Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Nurturing the Crazy

Namaste readers,

Ever since I got laid off from my full-time job, I've obviously been looking for work, but in addition to regular full-time jobs, I've been nurturing some crazy ideas for how to pay the bills. By crazy I mean fun stuff I've been wanting to do but might be out of my reach at present.

One of these crazy ideas? Travel writing. Obviously I can't fund it myself because, well, I'm currently unemployed, but at least I have a unique goal in mind: there are plenty of Hindu holy places around the world, not just in India but in places like Bali, Mauritius, and more. And as someone who wants to embrace Hinduism as a Westerner, I do want to visit some of these places - and perhaps in the process share my experiences with other Westerners who are interested in the faith.

Since I have little experience in travel writing (although some of my blog entries might count as travel writing - see "On (Not) Being a Beautiful and Unique Snowflake" from the Most Popular posts section of the sidebar), and practically no contacts in the travel writing or travel institutions in general, this is indeed a lofty goal.

But in between my regular job hunting sessions...well, do I really have anything better to do?

I'm sure if I put forth the effort and time, something will come of it eventually. Who knows, this might be the time for me to shine.

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